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SAMYUNG AIS SART SAR-16AIS SART adalah perangkat pemancar posisi...
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PETZL TANDEM SPEED DescriptionStainless steel sheaves for excellent durabilitySheaves mounted on sealed ball bearings for sustained speed, independent of the weight of the person, temperature, or humidityMaximum allowable speed: 20 m/sAttachment point accepts up to three carabiners to facilitate use
PETZL DESCENDER DescriptionSelf-braking function allows you to easily stop and hold your position on ropeDevice can be rapidly installed or removed from the rope without disconnecting it from the harnessMay also be used to ascend short distances with the addition of an ascender and foot loop
PETZL ASCENDER DescriptionDesigned for ascending a ropeSimple to use, and effective:Available in left-handed and right-handed versions
6646 Red Wing Men's Slip-On Black Electrical Hazard, Steel Toe Slip Resistance: BetterOil/Gas Resistance: BestChemical Resistance: BestAbrasion Resistance: Best